Test & Production

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2022.22.11Created page about how to run a python script

Test of application using Python script

There is a Python script that can be used for testing the solution against the Tax Authority. Python script for retrieval, validation and submission. Clone the entire repository or download the directory below:


Before running the script you need to install Python and some libraries.

Check if python and pip are installed (Minimum python3 version 3.6.X)

python3 --version

pip3 --version

If they are not installed, they can be installed through the terminal window


brew install python

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Alternatively, a version management package can be used instead. For more information about python on Mac, you can read on homebrew:



Linux Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.8
sudo apt install python3-pip

Install python libraries

Open the terminal in the project folder and navigate to the

`/test_with_python_script` folder.

Then install all necessary libraries.
You can also use a venv instead of installing globally, read more here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html

cd docs/test_with_Python_script

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the Python script

  1. Download the directory test_with_Python_script under https://github.com/Skatteetaten/mva-meldingen/tree/master/docs
  2. Find a test user with an associated business as described in the User Guide for Tenor Test Data Search.
  3. Note national identity number of the test user and the organization number of the business for which this test user can submit
  4. Make changes to the following files:
  5. Organization number in the file mva_melding_innsending.py (See under the comment "# Enter the org_number you want to submit for"). This is currently hardcoded to 999999999
  6. Organization number in the envelope file you wish to submit (example_files/envelope)
  7. Organization number in the VAT report file you wish to submit (example_files/melding)
  8. Other test data such as taxation period (Skatteleggingsperiode), report category (meldingskategori) etc
  9. Update the file names in the file mva_melding_innsending.py for the files you wish to use:

    1. mvaMeldingInnsending_filnavn = "kompensasjon_mvakonvolutt.xml
    2. mvaMelding_filnavn = "kompensasjon_mvamelding.xml
  10. Note! Remember to make sure that the envelope and VAT report match the test data
  11. Run the Python script
  12. After the script has started, a browser is opened. Press "TestID" and use the national ID number you noted in step 3.