TLDR; Take me to the Configuration Reference!
Aurora Config is a custom file based configuration format developed by the Norwegian Tax Administration designed to be a concise representation of how applications are configured and deployed across environments and clusters in an OpenShift based infrastructure. Parts of the configuration format is generally reusable by anybody deploying to OpenShift, while other parts of it are designed to simplify integrations with specific third party components in our infrastructure.
The conciseness of the format is derived from a highly opinionated way of deploying applications to OpenShift, providing override options only when necessary.
Config files are written either as Json or Yaml.
Aurora Config is structured around a four level file structure with the top level being the most general and the bottom level, representing an application in a given environment, being the most specific - potentially overriding options set at higher levels. Each environment has its own folder with a separate file for each application in that environment, in addition to an about.yaml file describing the environment itself. The following table describes the different files;
File | Name in AC | Description |
about.yaml | global | The global file is the most general file in an Aurora Config. All applications will inherit options set in this file, unless globalFile is specifically set in the base or env file. |
{app}.yaml | base | The base file contains general configuration for all instances of application {app} across all environments. All instances will inherit options set in this file and will potentially override options set in the global file. |
{env}/about.yaml | env | The env file contains general configuration for all applications in environment {env}. All applications in the environment will inherit options set in this file and potentially override options set in both the base file and global file. |
{env}/{app}.yaml | app | The app file contains specific configuration for application {app} in environment {env}. All options set in this file will potentially override options set in other files. |
For the applications App1 and App2, and the environments test and prod, a typical Aurora Config could then look like;
├── about.yaml (Configuration for all applications in all environments)
├── about-alternative.yaml (Alternative global configuration)
├── App1.yaml (General configuration for App1)
├── App2.yaml (General configuration for App2)
├── prod (A folder named prod, representing the environment prod)
│ ├── about.yaml (Configuration for all applications in environment prod)
│ ├── App1.yaml (Configuration for App1 in environment prod)
│ └── App2.yaml (Configuration for App2 in environment prod)
└── test (A folder named test, representing the environment test)
├── about.yaml (Configuration for all applications in environment test)
├── about-alternative.yaml (Alternative Configuration for all applications in environment test)
├── App1.yaml (Configuration for App1 in environment test)
└── App2.yaml (Configuration for App2 in environment test)
For a given app file, it is possible to change the base and env file if you want to compose your configuration differently than the default. For instance, you may need to deploy the same application in the same environment with different name and configuration;
File named 'test/App1Beta.yaml'
baseFile: App1.yaml
envFile: about-alternative.yaml
In this scenario 'App1.yaml' would be used instead of 'App1Beta.yaml' (which does not exist) as the base file for the
App1Beta in the environment test. The env file about-alternative will be used instead of the standard about file.
Note that env files must start with the prefix about
For a given env file, it is possible to include another env file that is read right before you using the configuration.
In prod/about.yaml
includeEnvFile: test/about.yaml
In this scenario 'test/about.yaml' will be read right before 'prod/about.yaml'. This will make it possible to have an environment that is a template for other environments.
In App1.yaml
globalFile: about-alternative.yaml
In this scenario 'prod/App1.yaml' and 'test/App1.yaml' will inherit from 'about-alternative.yaml' at root level, replacing the default global file. This makes it possible to have alternative global configurations for particular applications.
In prod/about.yaml
globalFile: about-alternative.yaml
In this scenario 'prod/about.yaml' will inherit from 'about-alternative.yaml' at root level. This makes it possible to have alternative global configurations for entire environments.
When the Aurora Config is processed a new object is generated for each app file, representing the configuration collected from the global file, the base file for that application, the env file for the environment, and finally the app file itself. This object is called the DeploymentSpec for the given application. The identifier for a DeploymentSpec, called ApplicationId, is the combination of environment name and application name. From the example above we would get four DeploymentSpecs with the following ApplicationIds;
The following sections will describe the different configuration options that are available in each of the files. The examples will use the YAML format for the config files since it is terser and easier on the eyes than JSON.
Some options are considered header options and are read in a separate step during the configuration parsing process. This allows us to set defaults and make available values in the header for variable substitution in the other configuration options. In order to include these into a field surround them with '@', for instance.
config/cluster : "@cluster@"
Which options are available for substitution is indicated in the following tables.
Substitutions should be used with care especially if they occur in a file that applies to multiple application instances, e.g. env files and base files.
Some configuration options can only be set in the global about file and the env file. These are typically options that are only relevant for configuring the environment, for instance environment name, permissions and env.ttl (time to live). Since environments have their own folder and the environment is configured in an own about-file, it is not allowed for an app-file to override any of the environment specific options. Options that can only be set in the global file or in an env file will be described in a section called "About files" and options that can also be set in the base files and app files will be describe in a section called "Application files".
path | required | default | substitution | description |
affiliation | Yes | affiliation | Used to group the project for resource monitoring. All projects start with affiliation. lower case letters max length 10. Required. | |
envName | $folderName | env | Change the name of the project. Note that the default value here is the actual name of the folder where the app file is. This option must be specified in either global or env file. | |
env/name | env | An alias for envName | ||
env/ttl | No | Set a time duration in format 1d, 12h that indicate how long until this namespace should be deleted | ||
permissions/admin | Yes | No | The groups in OpenShift that will have the admin role for the given project. Can either be an array or a space delimited string. This option must be specified in either global or env file. Required. | |
permissions/view | No | The groups in OpenShift that will have the view role for the given project. Can either be an array or a space delimited string. This option must be specified in either global or env file. | ||
permissions/edit | No | The groups in OpenShift that will have the edit role for the given project. Can either be an array or a space delimited string. This option must be specified in either global or env file. | ||
permissions/adminServiceAccount | No | The service accounts in OpenShift that will have the admin role for the given project. Can either be an array or a space delimited string. This option must be specified in either global or env file. | ||
globalFile | No | about.yaml | globalFile | Replaces the global file of the project. Note that the default file is the global about file. This option can only be specified in either the base file or env file. |
dataclassification | Yes * | No | Sets data classification on the namespace, based on the sensitivity level of the data present in the environment. The value can be set to either synt, skarp, or anon and cannot be changed once set. If it needs to be changed, assistance from an administrator is required. * Will be required from migration to Bare Metal clusters | |
env/resourcequota/pvc/totalSize | No | No | Maximum storage size in ResourceQuota for PersistentVolumeClaims. Requires that env/resourcequota/pv/count is specified. This option can only be specified in env file. Type Quantity | |
env/resourcequota/pvc/count | No | No | Maximum number of PersistentVolumeClaims specified in ResourceQuota. Requires that env/resourcequota/pv/size is specified. This option can only be specified in env file. |
At least one of the groups in permissions/admin must have a user in it.
path | required | default | substitution | description |
schemaVersion | Yes | No | All files in a given AuroraConfig must share a schemaVersion. For now only v1 is supported, it is here in case we need to break compatibility. Required. | |
type | Yes | No | See Deployment Types | |
applicationPlatform | java | No | Specify application platform. java, web, python or doozer are valid platforms. Is only used if type is deploy/development. | |
name | $baseFileName | name | The name of the application. All objects created in the cluster will get an app label with this name. Cannot be longer then 40 (alphanumeric -). Note that the default value here is the actual name of the base file. | |
cluster | Yes | cluster | What cluster should the application be deployed to. Must be a valid cluster name. | |
ttl | No | Set a time duration in format 1d, 12h that indicate how long until this application should be deleted | ||
version | Yes | No | Version of the application to run. Can be set to any of the valid version strategies. Version is not required for template/localTemplate files | |
segment | segment | The segment the application exist in. | ||
message | message | A message that will be added to the ApplicationDeployment CRD. | ||
globalFile | No | about.yaml | globalFile | Replaces the global file of the application. Note that the default file is the global about file. This option can only be specified in either the base file or env file. |
Get notification messages when an application or environment/namespace has been deployed.
In order to use this feature one has to use the channelId, which is not the same as the channel name. The channelId can be retrieved by going to a channel, then hitting view info in the channel header. At the bottom of the dialog box you will find a greyed out channel id.
path | default | description |
notification/mattermost/<channelId> | Simplified config for enabling a mattermost notification for the given channelId. This requires a boolean. | |
notification/mattermost/<channelId>/enabled | true | Set to false to disable notification for the given channel. |
Notifications can also be sent to mailing groups by configuring the email option in the notification field
path | default | description |
notification/email/<emailAddr> | Simplified config for enabling an email notification for the given email address | |
notification/email/<emailAddr>/enabled | true | Set to false to disable notification for the given email address. |
The configuration option type
indicates the deployment type the application has. The value of this field affects
what other configuration options are available for that application. The deployment type determines primarily how
the objects that supports the application on OpenShift are generated, but it also affects the different types of
integrations that are supported.
The deploy deployment type is used for deploying applications using the conventions from the Aurora Platform. You can read more about these conventions here: How we Develop and Build our Applications. This is the deployment type that will be most commonly used when deploying internally built applications. This will provide integrations with the rest of the NTAs infrastructure and generate the necessary objects to OpenShift to support the application.
The development deployment type is similar to the deploy deployment type but it will not deploy a prebuilt image from
container registry.
Instead an OpenShift ImageStream will be created that can be used to send images created from DeliveryBundles from your
development machine (see ao dev rollout
This will usually significantly reduce the time needed to get code from a development machine running on OpenShift compared to, for instance, a CI/CD pipeline.
Supports deploying an application from a template available on the cluster. See Guidelines for developing templates.
Supports deploying an application from a template available in the AuroraConfig folder. See Guidelines for developing templates.
Supports running a scheduled job as a CronJob resource on Kubernetes
Supports running a job as a Job resource on Kubernetes
path | default | description |
releaseTo | Used to release a given version as a shared tag in the docker registry. Other env can then use it in 'version'. NB! Must be manually updated with AO/Aurora Konsoll | |
debug | false | Toggle to enable remote debugging. For Java applications use port 5005 and configure remote debugging in your IDE. For Node.js applications (when applicationPlatform: web) use port 9229 and connect via Chrome DevTools (chrome://inspect) |
deployStrategy/timeout | 180 | Set timeout value in seconds for deployment process |
resources/cpu/min | 10m | Specify minimum/request cpu. See kubernetes_docs for potential values |
resources/cpu/max | 2000m | Specify maximum/limit cpu. A value of "0" indicates that no CPU limit should be configured. |
resources/memory/min | 128Mi | Specify minimum/request memory. See kubernetes docs for potential values |
resources/memory/max | 512Mi | Specify maximum/limit memory. By default 25% of this will be set to heap in java8 and 75% in java11. |
config/JAVA_MAX_MEM_RATIO | 25 | Specify heap percentage for Java 8 applications |
config/JAVA_MAX_RAM_PERCENTAGE | 75.0 | Specify heap percentage for Java 11 or Java 17 applications |
groupId | groupId for your application. Max 200 length. Required if deploy/development | |
artifactId | $fileName | artifactId for your application. Max 50 length |
version | The version of the image you want to run. | |
splunkIndex | Set to a valid splunk-index to log to splunk. Only valid if splunk is enabled in the Aurora API | |
serviceAccount | Set to an existing serviceAccount if you need special privileges | |
prometheus | true | Toggle to false if application do not have Prometheus metrics |
prometheus/path | /prometheus | Change the path of where prometheus is exposed |
prometheus/port | 8081 | Change the port of where prometheus is exposed |
management | true | Toggle of if your application does not expose an management interface |
management/path | /actuator | Change the path of where the management interface is exposed |
management/port | 8081 | Change the port of where the management interface is exposed |
readiness | true | Toggle to false to turn off default readiness check |
readiness/path | Set to a path to do a GET request to that path as a readiness check | |
readiness/port | 8080 | If no path present readiness will check if this port is open |
readiness/delay | 10 | Number of seconds to wait before running readiness check |
readiness/timeout | 1 | Number of seconds timeout before giving up readiness |
readiness/periodSeconds | 10 | Number of seconds between each readiness check |
readiness/failureThreshold | 3 | Number of times to retry readiness check on failure |
liveness | false | Toggle to true to enable liveness check |
liveness/path | Set to a path to do a GET request to that path as a liveness check | |
liveness/port | 8080 | If no path present liveness will check if this port is open |
liveness/delay | 10 | Number of seconds to wait before running liveness check |
liveness/timeout | 1 | Number of seconds timeout before giving up liveness |
liveness/periodSeconds | 10 | Number of seconds between each liveness check |
liveness/failureThreshold | 3 | Number of times to retry liveness check on failure |
replicas | 1 | Number of replicas of this application to run. |
pause | false | Toggle to pause an application. This will scale it down to 0 and add a label showing it is paused. |
toxiproxy | false | Toxiproxy feature toggle using default version |
toxiproxy/version | 2.1.3 | Toxiproxy version |
toxiproxy/proxies/<proxyname>/enabled | true | Set to true to create a Toxiproxy proxy with the name <proxyname>. If set to false , it will be skipped. Not to be confused with the enabled state of the proxy, which is set by initialEnabledState. |
toxiproxy/proxies/<proxyname>/initialEnabledState | true | Set the enabled state of the proxy named <proxyname>. |
toxiproxy/proxies/<proxyname>/urlVariableKey | Name of the environment variable that holds the URL to the service that is to be manipulated, given that such a variable exists and contains a valid URL. <proxyname> is the name of the Toxiproxy proxy that will be created. | |
toxiproxy/proxies/<proxyname>/serverVariableKey | Name of the environment variable that holds the host, given that the host and port of the service that is to be manipulated are given in separate environment variables. This variable must be present in the config section and contain a valid host name. <proxyname> is the name of the Toxiproxy proxy that will be created. | |
toxiproxy/proxies/<proxyname>/portVariableKey | Name of the environment variable that holds the port, given that the host and port of the service that is to be manipulated are given in separate environment variables. This variable must be present in the config section and contain a valid port number. <proxyname> is the name of the Toxiproxy proxy that will be created. | |
toxiproxy/proxies/<proxyname>/databaseName | Name of the database that is to be manipulated, given that this name is present in the database config section. <proxyname> is the name of the Toxiproxy proxy that will be created. | |
toxiproxy/proxies/<proxyname>/database | false | Set to true to create a proxy with the name <proxyname> for the application's database if the database uses default configuration. |
config | Contains a collection of application configuration variables. Keys are normalized according to XCU. More specifically we replace "-. " with _. If a key will be normalized there will be an warning emitted for that key. The value of the env vars is passed as is. Note: If you are using JSON string as the value of the config field, then all quotes in the json value must be escaped. See example below. |
Example specification of an json env var
FOO: '{"BAR": "BAZ"}'
This will result in a json object with the key BAR and the value BAZ
For development flow the following configuration properties are available to specify how to build the image locally
path | default | description |
baseImage/name | Name of the baseImage to use, | |
baseImage/version | Version of the baseImage to use.NB! This must be a tag in the baseImage imagestream |
The following baseImage are in use at NTA
name | version | description |
wrench18 | 1 | Nodejs18 & Nginx |
wrench20 | 1 | Nodejs20 & Nginx |
wingnut8 | 2 | OpenJdk 8 |
wingnut11 | 2 | OpenJDK 11 |
wingnut17 | 1 | OpenJDK 17 |
wingnut21 | 1 | OpenJDK 21 |
path | default | description |
releaseTo | Used to release a given version as a shared tag in the docker registry. Other env can then use it in 'version'. NB! Must be manually updated with AO/Aurora Konsoll . Requires groupId to be set. | |
templateFile | Set the location of a local template file. It should be in the templates subfolder. This is required if type is localTemplate |
path | default | description |
template | Name of template in default namespace to use. This is required if type is template |
path | default | description |
parameters/<KEY> | The parameters option is used to set values for parameters in the template. If the template has either of the parameters VERSION, NAME, SPLUNK_INDEX or REPLICAS, the values of these parameters will be set from the standard version, name and replicas AuroraConfig options. | |
replicas | If set will override replicas in template | |
resources/cpu/min | Specify minimum/request cpu. 1000m is 1 core. see kubernetes_docs | |
resources/cpu/max | Specify maximum/limit cpu. | |
resources/memory/min | Specify minimum/request memory. See kubernetes docs | |
resources/memory/max | Specify maximum/limit memory. By default 25% of this will be set to XMX in java. |
Note that resources and replicas have no default values for templates. If they are set they will be applied if not the value in the template will be used.
For jobs and cronjobs you have to create an application that terminates when it is done and point to it using the normal groupId/artifactId:version semantics
path | default | description |
groupId | groupId for your application. Max 200 length. Required if deploy/development | |
artifactId | $fileName | artifactId for your application. Max 50 length |
version | The version of the image you want to run. | |
liveness | false | Toggle to true to enable liveness check |
liveness/path | Set to a path to do a GET request to that path as a liveness check | |
liveness/port | 8080 | If no path present liveness will check if this port is open |
liveness/delay | 10 | Number of seconds to wait before running liveness check |
liveness/timeout | 1 | Number of seconds timeout before giving up liveness |
liveness/periodSeconds | 10 | Number of seconds between each liveness check |
liveness/failureThreshold | 3 | Number of times to retry liveness check on failure |
prometheus | false | Toggle to false if application do not have Prometheus metrics |
prometheus/path | /actuator/prometheus | Change the path of where prometheus is exposed |
prometheus/port | 8081 | Change the port of where prometheus is exposed |
path | default | description |
schedule | Cron scheduel validated against | |
failureCount | 1 | Number of failed jobs to keep |
successCount | 3 | Number of successfull jobs to keep |
concurrencyPolicy | Forbid | Any of concurrencyPolicy |
startingDeadline | 60 | Override the starting deadline for the cronjob, see suspend below |
suspend | false | Suspend/stop the job. Nb! See suspend docs for caveats |
Jobs and Cronjobs can have
Some deployments may require nodes with extended properties, such as larger available memory.
For the deployment to be able to deploy on special nodes they must be configured with nodeProperties
path | default | description |
nodeProperties/largeMem/enabled | Configures the deployment so it can be deployed on nodes with more available memory. |
Note: using nodeProperties should be in agreement with operations.
The default behavior is that the application is only visible to other application in the same namespace using its service name.
By using routes and CNAME entries, the application can be exposed in a cluster-independent way both on-premise and to Azure resources.
In order to control routes into the application the following fields can be used.
path | default | description |
route | false | Toggle to expose application via HTTP. Routes can also be configured with expanded syntax. And routeDefault can be set for all routes. See below. |
route/<routename>/enabled | true | Set to false to turn off route |
route/<routename>/host | Set the host of a route according to the given pattern. If not specified the default will be routeDefault/host . If you specify cname.enabled or azure.enabled , this should be a fully qualified host name. | |
route/<routename>/path | Set to create a path based route. You should use the same name/affiliation/env/separator combination for all path based routes to get the same URL | |
route/<routename>/annotations/<key> | Set annotations for a given route. Note that you should use | instead of / in annotation keys. so ' | balance'. See route annotations for some options. If the value is empty the annotation will be ignored. | |
route/<routename>/cname/enabled | If set to true , a CNAME entry is created on-prem, allowing for cluster-independent access to the application. If not set for a route routeDefaults/cname/enabled will be used. | |
route/<routename>/cname/ttl | Time to live for the CNAME entry, after which the client should discard or refresh its cache. If not set for a route routeDefaults/cname/ttl will be used. | |
route/<routename>/azure/enabled | If set to true , the application is exposed to Azure resources, and a CNAME entry is created in Azure, allowing for cluster-independent access to the application from Azure. If not set for a route routeDefaults/azure/enabled will be used. The Azure route is always exposed with TLS, regardless of the TLS settings on the route. | |
route/<routename>/azure/cnameTtl | Time to live for the CNAME entry, after which the client should discard or refresh its cache. If not set for a route routeDefaults/azure/cnameTtl will be used. | |
route/<routename>/tls/enabled | Turn on/off tls for this route. Note that Azure routes always have TLS enabled, regardless of this setting. | |
route/<routename>/tls/insecurePolicy | When TLS is enabled how do you handle insecure traffic. Allow/Redirect/None. If not set for a route routeDefaults/tls/insecurePolicy will be used. | |
route/<routename>/tls/termination | Where to terminate TLS for this route. Edge/Passthrough. If not set use the default value from routeDefaults/tls/termination. | |
route/<routename>/annotations/<key> | Set annotations for a given route. Note that you should use | instead of / in annotation keys. so ' | balance'. See route annotations for some options. If the value is empty the annotation will be ignored. | |
routeDefaults/host | @name@-@affiliation@-@env@ | Set the host of a route according to the given pattern. If you specify cname.enabled or azure.enabled , this should be a fully qualified host name. |
routeDefaults/annotations/<key> | Set annotations for a given route. Note that you should use | instead of / in annotation keys. so ' | balance'. See route annotations for some options. | |
routeDefaults/cname/enabled | false | If set to true , a CNAME entry is created on-prem, allowing for cluster-independent access to the application for all routes. |
routeDefaults/cname/ttl | Default time to live for the CNAME entry for all routes, after which the client should discard or refresh its cache. | |
routeDefaults/azure/enabled | false | If set to true , the application is exposed to Azure resources, and a CNAME entry is created in Azure, allowing for cluster-independent access to the application from Azure for all routes. The Azure route is always exposed with TLS, regardless of the TLS settings on the route. |
routeDefaults/azure/cnameTtl | Default time to live for the CNAME entry of all routes, after which the client should discard or refresh its cache. | |
routeDefaults/tls/enabled | false | Enable/disable tls for all routes. Note that Azure routes always have TLS enabled, regardless of this setting. |
routeDefaults/tls/insecurePolicy | <varies for applicationPlattform> | For Java the default is None for Web the default is Redirect |
routeDefaults/tls/termination | edge | Where do you terminate TLS? Edge or Passthrough. Reencrypt is not supported for now. |
The <routeName>
must not end with any of the reserved suffixes:
If tls is used the host of the route cannot include the '.' key, since we do not support wildcard TLS cert.
Route annotations are usable for template types, but you need to create a Service with name after the NAME parameter yourself.
For details and context, see internal link We only list the general syntax here.
Note that a route exposed to Azure is needed. That is, with azure.enabled
set on the route.
path | required | description |
azure/api/<apiname>/enabled | no | Set to false to not expose the api. |
azure/api/<apiname>/externalHost | yes | The host name the API is exposed with. The combination with path must be globally unique. This field can not be changed after the API is created. |
azure/api/<apiname>/path | no | The path to the API up until the version identifier, if needed. Note that both the path and the version identifier is removed when backend requests are executed. If they are needed, add them to the serviceUrl parameter. |
azure/api/<apiname>/versions/<version> | yes | The version of the API, it is appended to path . It should be with the pattern vXXX. |
azure/api/<apiname>/versions/<version>/enabled | no | Set to false to not expose this version of the api. |
azure/api/<apiname>/versions/<version>/openApiUrl | yes | HTTPS address of where the openapi schema (json or yaml) is located |
azure/api/<apiname>/versions/<version>/serviceUrl | yes | The service backing the API. It might include path elements. This must match a route with azure.enabled set. |
azure/api/<apiname>/versions/<version>/policies/<policyName>/enabled | no | Set to false to disable this policy. See the internal documentation for possible policies and parameters. |
azure/api/<apiname>/versions/<version>/policies/<policyName>/parameters | no | Map with parameters specific to the policy, if needed. See the internal documentation for possible policies and parameters. |
In order to provide sensitive data to an application (i.e. passwords that cannot be stored directly in the configuration
block of the AuroraConfig) it is possible to
access Vaults that has been created with the ao vault
command (see internal link You can access the vaults
in two different ways; as a
mount or via the secretVault option.
If a Vault is accessed via the secretVault option and the vault contains a properties file the contents of that file will be made available as environment variables for the application. Example;
If you want to mount additional Vaults or access vault files directly this can be done with mounting it as a volume. See the next section for more details.
path | default | description |
secretVaults/<svName>/name | $svName | Specify full secret vault that will be mounted under default secret location. |
secretVaults/<svName>/enabled | true | Set this to false to disable. |
secretVaults/<svName>/file | | File in vault that will be used for fetching properties. |
secretVaults/<svName>/keys | An array of keys from the file in the vault you want to include. | |
secretVaults/<svName>/keyMappings | An map of key -> value that will rewrite the key in the secret to another ENV var name |
Note that it is possible to fetch multiple files from the same vault, the svName
must be different for each one and
you must set name to the same.
The old way of specifying secretVaults (detailed below is deprecated). There will be a migration feature soon. This configuration pattern only suppored a single vault/file.
path | default | description |
secretVault | Specify full secret vault that will be mounted under default secret location. | |
secretVault/name | Used instead of secretVault if you want advanced configuration | |
secretVault/keys | An array of keys from the file in the vault you want to include. | |
secretVault/keyMappings | An map of key -> value that will rewrite the key in the secret to another ENV var name |
It is possible to use substitutions in keys/keyMappings but it should be used with care and doublechecked.
path | default | description |
mounts/<mountName>/type | One of Secret, PVC. Required for each mount. | |
mounts/<mountName>/enabled | true | Set this to false to disable this mount |
mounts/<mountName>/path | Path to the volume in the container. Required for each mount. | |
mounts/<mountName>/mountName | <mountName> | Override the name of the mount in the container. |
mounts/<mountName>/volumeName | <mountName> | Override the name of the volume in the DeploymentConfig. |
mounts/<mountName>/exist | false | If this is set to true the existing resource must exist already. |
mounts/<mountName>/secretVault | The name of the Vault to mount. This will mount the entire contents of the specified vault at the specified path. Type must be Secret, Exist false. |
The combination of type=PVC and exist=true is not supported by policy. We do not want normal java/web applications to use PVC mounts unnless strictly neccesary.
AzureAD is used for client traffic from within NTA to reach an application. Internal tax workers have roles that must be added to limit who can access the application. Use ATS for authorization against data.
azureAppFqdn: "<service>-<affiliation>-<env>"
- "list"
- "of"
- "security_groups"
enabled: true
path | default | description |
azure | false | Toggle or assign an object to expose application through Azure. |
azure/azureAppFqdn | - | Fully qualified domain name for the exposed service. This supports hostnames on the form "[utv|test|]". service-name cannot contain periods. For tests, use and set azureAppTest. |
azure/azureAppTest | false | Set to true to avoid exposing the application over the internet. The application will be exposed over a special internal route. |
azure/groups | [] | List of groups that are granted access to the application. An empty list means everyone in the organisation can access the application. |
azure/jwtToStsConverter/enabled | true | Whether a clinger instance should be deployed as a sidecar proxy for the service. The clinger proxy will be set up with correct application ID and will validate the token from Azure and convert it into an iv-user header. |
azure/jwtToStsConverter/jwksUrl | | The url for the JWKS used to sign keys in AzureAD. This will typically be a general setting per environment. When testing, use the internal address |
Note: this feature is currently in beta testing and should only be used in cooperation with the platform team.
STS certificate: An SSL certificate with a given commonName is used to identify applications to secure traffic between them
For v1 of the STS service use:
path | default | description |
certificate | false | Toggle to add a certificate with CommonName $groupId.$name. |
certificate/commonName | Generate an STS certificate with the given commonName. |
For v2 use:
path | default | description |
sts | false | Toggle to add a certificate with CommonName $groupId.$name. |
sts/cn | Generate an STS certificate with the given commonName. |
dbh is a service that enables an application to ask for credentials to a database schema.
If there is no schema the default behavior is to create one.
It is possible to change the default values for this process so that each application that wants a database can just use
the database=true
path | default | description |
databaseDefaults/flavor | ORACLE_MANAGED | One of ORACLE_MANAGED , POSTGRES_MANAGED . |
databaseDefaults/generate | true | Set this to false to avoid generating a new schema if your lables does not match an existing one |
databaseDefaults/ignoreMissingSchema | false | Set this to ignore missing schema when generate = false. Schemas identified with ID are not ignored. |
databaseDefaults/name | @name@ | The default name to given a database when using database=true |
databaseDefaults/tryReuse | false | Try to reuse schema in cooldown if there is no active schema. Sets this as the default behavior |
databaseDefaults/cooldownDuration | Set a time duration in format 1d, 12h that indicate how long the database schema should be in cooldown before deletion. Can't be longer than default cooldown in cluster. UTV-clusters: 7 days, TEST-clusters: 30 days. | |
databaseDefaults/instance/name | The name of the instance you want to use for yor db schemas | |
databaseDefaults/instance/fallback | true | If your instance does not match by labels, a fallback instance will be used if available. Default is true for ORACLE_MANAGED and false for POSTGRES_MANAGED |
databaseDefaults/instance/labels/<key> | Set key=value pair that will be sent when matching database instances. Default is affiliation=@affiliation@ | |
database | false | Toggle this to add a database with $name to your application. |
database/<name> | Simplified config for multiple databases.If you want to add multiple databases specify a name for each. Set to 'auto' for auto generation or a given ID to pin it. Set to false to turn off this database. |
If you want to change the default configuration for one application you need to use the expanded syntax
path | default | description |
database/<name>/enabled | true | Set to false to disable database |
database/<name>/flavor | $databaseDefaults/flavor | Override default flavor. |
database/<name>/name | <name> | Override the name of the database. |
database/<name>/id | Set the id of the database to get an exact match. | |
database/<name>/tryReuse | false | If there is no active schema, try to find schema in cooldown. |
database/<name>/cooldownDuration | Set a time duration in format 1d, 12h that indicate how long the database schema should be in cooldown before deletion. Can't be longer than default cooldown in cluster. UTV-clusters: 7 days, TEST-clusters: 30 days. | |
database/<name>/applicationLabel | Override the application name set on the database registration | |
database/<name>/generate | $databaseDefaults/generate | Override default generate. |
database/<name>/ignoreMissingSchema | $databaseDefaults/ignoreMissingSchema | Override default ignoreMissingSchema. |
database/<name>/instance/name | $databaseDefaults/instance/name | Override default instance/name. |
database/<name>/instance/fallback | $databaseDefaults/instance/fallback | Override default instance/fallback. |
database/<name>/instance/labels/<key> | Add/override labels for instance. |
To share a database schema between multiple applications then one application must be defined as the owner of the
The <name>
must be the same in the configuration files, and for applications that do not own the
schema applicationLabel
must be set and match the name of the application owning the schema.
The database
property configuration should not be put in global or env files.
For databaseDefaults
should be used for database configuration for a whole or multiple environments.
configuration that should be the same for all applications in an environment should be set in
placed in a global or env file.
To use the S3 integration, a bucket needs to exist before enabling s3 in auroraconfig. Refer to internal documentation to see how a new bucket is created.
The config field objectArea(specified below) has the following acceptable pattern: lowercase characters, numbers, hyphen(-) and period(.).
It could be wise to set some defaults in your base configuration files. The s3Defaults are as follows:
path | default | description |
s3Defaults/bucketName | Bucketname defined upon creation of s3 bucket. In order to use simplified config, this has to be defined | |
s3Defaults/objectArea | Objectarea is our read friendly abstraction for s3 objectprefix. In order to use simplified config, this has to be defined |
The simplified syntax is as follows:
path | default | description |
s3 | false | Simplified config that is dependant upon that s3Defaults/bucketName and s3Defaults/objectArea is set |
For expanded syntax the following applies:
path | default | description |
s3/<objectArea>/enabled | true | Enabled lets you disable s3 for that specific objectArea. |
s3/<objectArea>/bucketName | Set the bucketName for that specific objectArea. | |
s3/<objectArea>/objectArea | Overrides the objectArea set in <objectArea> |
Application specific alerts can be automatically registered by adding the following configuration.
path | default | description |
alerts/<alertName>/enabled | false | Enabled lets you enable the specified alert |
alerts/<alertName>/expr | Set the promql expression that should trigger an alert | |
alerts/<alertName>/delay | Time in minutes until a condition should cause Prometheus to send alert to alert-manager | |
alerts/<alertName>/connections | Array of connection rules between alert definition and recipients via specific channels | |
alerts/<alertName>/severity | Severity of alert that is registered, values: critical, warning | |
alerts/<alertName>/summary | oppsummering av alarm er ikke angitt | Clear text summary of what the alert does |
alerts/<alertName>/description | beskrivelse av alarm er ikke angitt | Clear text description of the alert |
Some configuration values can be set with defaults, these values will be used unless an alert-configuration overrides
can be set in the base file if they should be used for all instances of an application across all
or in the env file if they should be used for all applications in that environment.
path | default | desctiption |
alertsDefaults/enabled | false | Enabled lets you enable the specified alert |
alertsDefaults/connections | Array of connection rules between alert definition and recipients via specific channels | |
alertsDefaults/delay | Time in minutes until a condition should cause Prometheus to send alert to alert-manager |
To configure logging it is necessary to add the logging configuration block to the aurora config.
If the configuration is not specified then the application(s) will log via Splunk Connect to a default
index log-ocp-<env>
Note: Log files are expected to reside under /u01/logs
A minimal configuration specifying the log index can be added to the configuration.
logging: # configuration block
index: myapp-index # splunk index where logs will be indexed
It is possible to define separate splunk indexes for different types of logs.
Logs that are not specified explicitly will be indexed to the index specified in logging.index
Available defined log types:
Name | Type | Log file pattern |
access | access_combined | *.access |
application | log4j | *.log |
audit_json | _json | *.audit.json |
audit_text | log4j | *.audit.text |
gc | gc_log | *.gc |
sensitive | log4j | *.sensitive |
slow | log4j | *.slow |
stacktrace | log4j | *.stacktrace |
To configure a specific, of the available log types, then logging.loggers.<logname>
must be configured (
replace <logname>
with one of the log type names).
index: myapp-index # splunk index where log will be indexed
stacktrace: myapp-stacktrace-index # splunk index where stacktraces will be indexed
audit_text: aud-myapp-index # splunk index where audit_text logs will be indexed
We have support for specifying custom file patterns if you do not follow the default patterns. We strongly advice you to
use the default loggers config if possible.
We do not allow custom sourcetypes, we currently support [_json, access_combined, gc_log, log4j].
If you need support for another sourcetype you need to contact us.
When you use custom logging, you take full ownership and responsibility of capturing logs with correct file pattern.
If you specify custom logging you cannot have the config fields logging/index
or logging/loggers
For custom logging you have to specify one logger that is named application, see example below.
Custom logging:
index: openshift
sourcetype: log4j
pattern: "*-custom-app.log"
index: openshift
sourcetype: access_combined
pattern: "*-custom-aud.log"
In addition to sending logs to splunk, we also support sending log data to an HTTP collector. This happens in addition to the data being sent to splunk.
Custom logging with additionalOutput
index: "openshift"
sourcetype: "log4j"
pattern: "*-custom-app.log"
index: "openshift"
sourcetype: "access_combined"
pattern: "*-custom-aud.log"
index: "logg-collector-openshift"
sourcetype: "log4j"
pattern: "collector.log"
type: "http"
secretVault: "collector-credentials"
host: "logg-collector.skead"
port: "80"
path: "/v1/collect"
name: collector-credentials
The secretVault must contain the CUSTOM_OUTPUT_USERNAME
used to authenticate with the collector service.
Note: The HTTP collector is not provided by us, and is something you develop yourself.
Refer to fluentbit docs for tail input plugin to see definition of configuration parameters we refer to in table below.
Name | Default | Description |
logging/bufferSize | 20 | Adjust bufferSize for fluentbit. Sets Mem_Buf_Limit to the value. Sets container memory request to the same value. Container memory limit is set to bufferSize * 5 |
logging/bufferMaxSize | 512k | Sets the Buffer_Max_Size for tail input plugin. Allowed suffix are k(kilo) or m (mega). Unit is Bytes. |
logging/emitterBufferSize | Sets the Emitter_Mem_Buf_Limit in MB for multiline matching _-evalevent_xml , _-ats:eval:xml and log4j. Container memory limit is set to (bufferSize + emitterBufferSize) * 5 |
By default, descriptive fields will be added to the messages logged by the application. It is possible to toggle these fields on or off.
Name | Default | Description |
logging/fields/environment | true | Add field environment to log message |
logging/fields/version | true | Add field version to log message |
logging/fields/nodetype | true | Add field nodetype to log message |
logging/fields/application | true | Add field application to log message |
logging/fields/cluster | true | Add field cluster to log message |
logging/fields/nodename | false | Add field nodeName to log message |
Fluent-bit is only supported for types: [deploy, development], however it is possible to opt-in for the types [localTemplate, template, job, cronJob]. You are not guaranteed that it will work for all types and your specific use case. You might have to configure custom logging if the logfiles do not conform to the normal filenames.
index: "openshift"
localTemplate: true
template: true
job: true
cronjob: true
Setting logging.index
to an empty value will prevent the application from running with a logging sidecar.
This can be useful in situations where a fluent-bit sidecar is unwanted, for example a job that may hang if the pod
starts with a fluent-bit container.
index: ""
Support for organizing
the OpenShift topology view
is available with the topology
Name | Default | Description |
topology/partOf | Used to group deployments visually. | |
topology/runtime | Single value defining the runtime (i.e spring-boot) of the application. | |
topology/connectsTo | List of application names the deployment connects to. |
can only hold one value.connectsTo
see the description for name
in Application files.The partOf
property is only used for visual grouping of deployments,
Each project decide themselves how to use the visual grouping, and there are no pre-defined values.
The runtime
property is used to select a display icon. For example when topology/runtime=spring-boot
is set, the
topology view will show a spring-boot icon.
Supported icons are listed in the logos array in the link below (it is not necessary to include the icon-
part of the
Add to project
-> Container image
and check the Runtime icon
dropdown list.The connectsTo
property indicate which applications the deployment connects to in one direction (sends requests to).
The topology view can only visualize connections in the same namespace.
The topology configuration will add the following labels and annotations to the deployment
adds the label<config-value>
on all resources belonging to the
adds the label<config-value>
on all resources belonging to the
adds the annotation['config-value']
on the DeploymentConfig.Name | Default | Description |
maskinporten | Simplified configuration can be used to enabled/disable the feature | |
maskinporten/enabled | Enable or disable maskinporten | |
maskinporten/<name>/enabled | Required boolean value. Set to true to mount secret for Maskinporten client with provided clientID | |
maskinporten/<name>/clientId | value from name | The value from name is used by default, this field can be used to override the clientId |
Note: If maskinporten feature is disabled with simplified configuration or maskinporten/enabled
then it must be
explicitly re-enabled.
The Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) in Kubernetes automates resource limits and requests for pods. It adjusts requests based on actual usage, optimizing resource allocation. VPA downscales over-requesting pods and upscales under-requesting ones. It maintains specified limit/request ratios for containers. This dynamic autoscaling improves resource utilization and application performance.
Name | Default | Description |
vpa | Simplified configuration can be used to enabled/disable the feature. Type boolean. | |
vpa/enabled | Enable or disable vpa. Type boolean. | |
vpa/updateMode | Auto | Supported values are ["Auto", "Off"]. Type String. |
vpa/minimumAvailableReplicas | 2 | The minimum number of available replicas needed before initiating scaling operations. Type Integer. |
vpa/resources/controlledResources | ["cpu", "memory"] | Specify the resources to initiate scaling operations. Supported values are cpu and memory. Type list of Strings. |
vpa/resources/minAllowed/cpu | Set minimum allowed. Optional. Type Quantity | |
vpa/resources/minAllowed/memory | Set minimum allowed memory. Optional. Type Quantity | |
vpa/resources/maxAllowed/cpu | Set maximum allowed CPU. Optional. Type Quantity | |
vpa/resources/maxAllowed/memory | Set maximum allowed memory. Optional. Type Quanity |
Note: When using VPA, ensure that the pods have well-defined resource requests and limits in their initial configuration. These values act as guidelines for VPA to adjust the resource requests later. While VPA doesn't strictly follow these initial values, it uses them as starting points to iteratively adjust resource requests based on real usage patterns. During autoscaling, VPA ensures that the new resource requests set for a pod do not exceed the specified resource limits, respecting the upper boundaries defined in the initial pod configuration. As a side note, we highly recommend setting minimumAvailableReplicas to a value of 2 or higher to avoid service disruption during scaling.
Warning: This feature cannot be used in combination with HPA.
Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) is a powerful feature that allows you to automatically adjust the number of pods in your deployments based on specific resource utilization or custom metrics. By dynamically scaling the number of pods up or down, HPA ensures that your applications can handle varying workloads effectively.
The primary purpose of HPA is to maintain a balance between resource availability and application performance. When your workload experiences increased demand, such as a spike in incoming requests or data processing, HPA will automatically increase the number of pods to meet the demand and distribute the workload across multiple instances.
Conversely, during periods of low demand, HPA can scale down the number of pods to conserve resources and reduce unnecessary costs. This autoscaling capability is particularly useful when you have fluctuating workloads or unpredictable usage patterns.
HPA can scale pods based on different metrics:
Resource Utilization Metrics: HPA can scale pods based on the actual CPU or memory utilization of the running pods.
You can set a threshold for CPU or memory utilization, and when the observed utilization exceeds that threshold,
HPA will initiate scaling actions.
Custom Metrics: In addition to resource metrics, HPA supports scaling based on custom metrics. These metrics can be
specific to your application and may include things like the rate of incoming requests, response times, or any
other custom metric that you define.
External Metrics: HPA can also scale based on external metrics obtained from sources outside of the Kubernetes
cluster. For instance, if your workload depends on an external service that provides metrics relevant to scaling
decisions, you can configure HPA to use these external metrics.
It's essential to configure resource requests and limits for your pods to ensure HPA can function correctly with resource utilization metrics. By providing these values, HPA can calculate the scaling ratio based on the actual resource usage and the requested resources.
Name | Default | Description |
hpa | Simplified configuration can be used to enabled/disable the feature. Type boolea | |
hpa/enabled | Enable or disable the hpa feature. Type boolean. | |
hpa/minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas. Type Integer. | |
hpa/maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas. Type Integer. | |
hpa/behavior | Defines advanced scaling behavior. See for additional information. Type behavior. | |
hpa/metrics | Defines the metrics to act up on. Se examples section or Type list of resources. |
Example of common use case
minReplicas: 2
maxReplicas: 10
- type: Resource
name: cpu
type: Utilization
averageUtilization: 50
- type: Resource
name: memory
type: AverageValue
averageValue: 500Mi
This configuration snippet defines two resource-based metrics for HorizontalPodAutoscaler:
CPU Metric: It uses CPU resource and sets a target utilization of 50%.
Memory Metric: It uses memory resource and sets a target average value of 500Mi (megabytes).
More advanced example
enabled: true
minReplicas: "2"
maxReplicas: "10"
- type: Resource
name: cpu
type: AverageValue
averageValue: 500m
- type: Pods
value: 4
periodSeconds: 60
- type: Percent
value: 10
periodSeconds: 60
selectPolicy: Min
stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
- type: Pods
value: 5
periodSeconds: 60
- type: Percent
value: 12
periodSeconds: 60
selectPolicy: Max
stabilizationWindowSeconds: 0
This configuration defines the following settings for HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA):
Metrics: The HPA uses the CPU resource and sets a target average value of 500 milli-CPU (mCPU).
Behavior: The scaling behavior includes both scaleDown and scaleUp policies.
Scale Down Policies: It applies two policies to scale down the number of replicas:
The first policy will scale down with at most 4 pods if the CPU utilization is below target for 60 seconds
The second policy will scale down with at most 10% of the current replicas if the CPU utilization is below target for 60 seconds
SelectPolicy: Min, select the policy with the smallest change in replica count.
Scale Up Policies: It applies two policies to scale up the number of replicas:
The first policy will scale up with at most 5 pods if the CPU utilization is above target for 60 seconds
The second policy will scale up with at most 10% of the current replicas if the CPU utilization is above target for 60 seconds
SelectPolicy: Max, select the policy with the largest change in replicas count.
Stabilization Window: When the metrics indicate that the target should be scaled down the algorithm looks into previously computed desired states, and uses the highest value from the specified interval. For scale-down the past 300 seconds will be considered, for
scale-up there is no stabilization window, and the application is scaled-up immediately when the threshold is reached.
Warning: This feature cannot be used in combination with the VPA feature.
We use the Grafana Agent to receive, process, and export telemetry data, eliminating the need for multiple agents/collectors. It supports open source observability data formats (e.g. OTEL http, OTEL grpc, Zipkin) and integrates with Grafana Enterprise Trace solution. Even though we support multiple protocols, there should be compelling reasons to use anything other than OTEL over GRPC. This is the protocol we support through our starter libraries for Kotlin and Java applications.
Employing a collector alongside services enables quick data offloading and additional handling like retries, batching, authentication, and data enrichment. By having collectors work in tandem with our services, we achieve swift data offloading, minimizing any impact on the services' performance. The buffering mechanisms supported by the collector minimize the risk in the event that the Grafana Enterprise Trace solution experiences problems.
The Aurora configuration supports two operation modes for telemetry data collection. The first mode involves using an agent collector as a DaemonSet running on each node, while the second mode deploys the agent collector alongside the service as a sidecar container. For the majority of our users, the first approach should be sufficient and straightforward.
Note: this feature is currently only supported for the deployment types deploy
, development
, cronjob
and job
The configuration will not be used on other deployment types, but will not fail on validation if configured.
Name | Default | Description |
trace | Simplified configuration can be used to enabled/disable the feature. Type boolean | |
trace/enabled | Enable or disable the trace feature. Type boolean. |
trace: true
In this example, we will expose the following environment variables: OTLP_GRPC_TRACING_ENDPOINT, ZIPKIN_TRACING_ENDPOINT, and OTLP_HTTP_TRACING_ENDPOINT. These variables are used to point to the nearest node collector, in the format IP:port.
By setting these environment variables correctly, the telemetry data will be directed to the appropriate collectors, It's worth noting that certain frameworks, such as Spring Boot, may require an additional step. When using these frameworks, it is essential to include the appropriate protocol prefix, such as "http://" or "https://", in the specified endpoint URL.
The second approach with the sidecar container is tailored for more advanced users who require greater control over the configuration and data flow. With the sidecar approach, users can fine-tune and customize the telemetry data collection process to suit specific requirements and optimize performance.
Currently, our support includes memory requirement tuning, but we anticipate the addition of more advanced features, such as data enrichment, in the near future. This solution will continue to evolve over time, adapting to the needs of development teams as they require more sophisticated functionalities. For more information about the supported capabilities in the Grafana Agent, please follow this link
Name | Default | Description |
trace/sidecar/enabled | Enable or disable the trace sidecar feature. Type boolean. | |
trace/sidecar/version | latest supported version | Version of the grafana agent collector |
trace/sidecar/resources/requests/cpu | 50m | cpu request for the agent container. Type Quantity |
trace/sidecar/resources/requests/memory | 100Mi | memory request for the agent container. Type Quantity |
trace/sidecar/resources/limits/cpu | 100m | cpu limit for the agent container. Type Quantity |
trace/sidecar/resources/limits/memory | 200Mi | memory limit for the agent container. Type Quantity |
enabled: true
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 200Mi
In this example, we expose the following environment variables: OTLP_GRPC_TRACING_ENDPOINT, ZIPKIN_TRACING_ENDPOINT, and OTLP_HTTP_TRACING_ENDPOINT. These variables are used to point to the sidecar collector, with the format localhost:port. Just like the first approach, this may also require adding the appropriate protocol prefix.
A PodDisruptionBudget limits the number of pods that can be down at the same time. AuroraConfig supports configuring the minimum number of available healthy pods, that must be available during service operations on the cluster, for example cluster draining and scaling. For more details about disruptions and Pod disruption budgets see
In AuroraConfig support for PodDisruptionBudget is implemented for minimum available pods, a PodDisruptionBudget
resource will be created in the namespace when using this functionality.
To use PodDisruptionBudget replicas
must be at least 2. If replicas
is below 2 or the deployment is paused, then the
PodDisruptionBudget resource will not be created but a warning will be displayed.
It is not possible to configure minimum number of available pods to be equal to or above replicas
Name | Default | Description |
podDisruptionBudget | Simplified configuration can be used to enable/disable the feature | |
podDisruptionBudget/enabled | Can be used to enable/disable the feature | |
podDisruptionBudget/minAvailable | 1 | Specify the minimum available healthy pods, the feature will count as enabled when this is specified and not explicitly disabled |
Minimal example - will create a PodDisruptionBudget with minimum 1 available healthy pod
replicas: 2
podDisruptionBudget: true
Minimum available example - will create a PodDisruptionBudget with minimum 3 available healthy pods
replicas: 8
minAvailable: 3
Through the access control configuration, users can grant and request ATS roles from applications that offer or require specific roles. A prerequisite is that the role in question must be pre-defined and present in the ATS environment. The sole responsibility of this feature is to connect the requester to a role granted by some other application. Moreover, it is necessary to define the appropriate data classification for the namespace, and the granter must have explicit permission to delegate access to the role(s) in question.
Applications can request access to roles by specifying an egress configuration. The egress configuration is an object, in the format outlined in the following table.
Name | Default | Description |
accesscontrol/egress/<name>/enabled | Set to false to disable access request. Type Boolean | |
accesscontrol/egress/<name>/application | The name of the application we request access to. This value is mandatory and can be expressed using the supported glob pattern. Type String | |
accesscontrol/egress/<name>/namespace | The namespace in which the application resides. This value is mandatory and can be expressed using the supported glob pattern. Type String | |
accesscontrol/egress/<name>/cluster | The name of the cluster in which the application resides. This value is mandatory and can be expressed using the supported glob pattern. Type String | |
accesscontrol/egress/<name>/wantedRoles | List of wanted roles. Cannot be an empty list. Type list of Strings |
Aurora config example
application: foo
namespace: *
cluster: utv*
application: bar
namespace: barspace
cluster: utv02
In this example, we are requesting access to the roles FOO_READER and FOO_WRITER owned by the application 'foo', running in a namespace matching the pattern ‘*’ and a cluster with a name matching the pattern ‘utv*’. Additionally, we are also requesting access to the roles BAR_READER and BAR_WRITER for the application 'bar' in the 'barspace' namespace on the 'utv02' cluster.
If the roles are assigned, the 'wantedaccess' object connected with this request will be displayed with a status of 'successful.' If there are no granted roles for this request or the request is only partially performed, the status will be marked as 'pending.' You can review the status of the request using the following command:
oc get wantedaccess <appname> -n <namespace> -o yaml
Applications can grant access to roles by specifying an ingress configuration. The ingress configuration is an object, in the format outlined in the following table.
Name | Default | Description |
accesscontrol/ingress/<name>/enabled | Set to false to disable granted access. Type Boolean | |
accesscontrol/ingress/<name>/application | Name of the application that should be granted access. This value is mandatory and can be expressed using the supported glob pattern. Type String | |
accesscontrol/ingress/<name>/namespace | The namespace in which the application resides. This value is mandatory and can be expressed using the supported glob pattern. Type String | |
accesscontrol/ingress/<name>/cluster | The name of the cluster in which the application resides. This value is mandatory and can be expressed using the supported glob pattern. Type String | |
accesscontrol/ingress/<name>/grantedRoles | List of roles to grant the application. Cannot be an empty list. Type list of Strings. |
Aurora config example
application: charlie
namespace: *
cluster: utv*
application: delta
namespace: deltaspace
cluster: utv02
In this example, we are granting access to the FOO_READER role for the requesting application 'charlie,' running in a namespace matching the pattern ‘*’ and with a cluster named matching the pattern ‘utv*’. Additionally, we are also granting access to the FOO_WRITER role for the requesting application 'delta,' running in the 'deltaspace' namespace on the 'utv02' cluster.
If the affiliation to which the application belongs is permitted to grant these roles, the status of the connected 'grantedaccess' object will be 'successful' or 'failed' in the case of failures. You can review the status of the request using the following command:
oc get grantedaccess <appname> -n <namespace> -o yaml
Application, namespace, and cluster parameters in both ingress and egress must adhere to the regular expression [\]|[^\d](\w)((?!\\w).)+. For example, "test," "test," "test," "test123sd," "", and "test213" are considered valid, while "123Test," "tes*st" are not.
The cluster migration feature allows users to migrate applications from one cluster to another.
Name | Default | Description |
migrateTo/cluster | Specify which cluster to move to. This field ensures that external resources such as S3, database, routing is prepared for migration to a new cluster. | |
migrateTo/enabled | true | Specify if migrateTo should be enabled. Set to false to deactivate the migrateTo functionality for an application. |
Below is an example of how you could configure an instance of the reference application
schemaVersion: v1
affiliation: paas
index: paas-test
groupId: no.skatteetaten.aurora.openshift
artifactId: openshift-reference-springboot-server
version: 1
type: deploy
replicas: 3
sts: true
route: true
database: true
cluster: dev
The complete config is then evaluated as
schemaVersion: v1
affiliation: paas
index: paas-test
groupId: no.skatteetaten.aurora.openshift
artifactId: openshift-reference-springboot-server
version: 1
type: deploy
replicas: 3
sts: true
route: true
database: true
cluster: dev
schemaVersion: v1
affiliation: paas
index: paas-test
type: template
template: aurora-atomhopper-1.0.0
database: true
route: true
DB_NAME: atomhopper
DOMAIN_NAME: localhost
cluster: dev
empty file
The complete config is then evaluated as
schemaVersion: v1
affiliation: paas
index: paas-test
type: template
template: aurora-atomhopper-1.0.0
database: true
route: true
DB_NAME: atomhopper
DOMAIN_NAME: localhost
Single application utv/sample-app.yaml
baseFile: "sample-app.yaml"
enabled: true
delay: "2"
- "aurora"
expr: "failed_connections > 5"
severity: "critical"
summary: "Connections has failed over 5 times"
description: "Instance has had over 5 connection failures"
enabled: true
delay: "5"
- "aurora"
expr: "duplicate_entries > 10"
severity: "warning"
summary: "Duplicate entries has been registered over 10 times"
Description: "Application has registered over 10 duplicates"
Default alert configuration with override sample-app.yaml
enabled: true
delay: "5"
- "aurora"
baseFile: "sample-app.yaml"
delay: "1"
expr: "failed_connections > 5"
severity: "critical"
summary: "Connections has failed over 5 times"
description: "Instance has had over 5 connection failures"
expr: "duplicate_entries > 10"
severity: "warning"
summary: "Duplicate entries has been registered over 10 times"
Description: "Application has registered over 10 duplicates"
When creating templates the following guidelines should be followed: